Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Frankly, I just haven't had time to update as much as I'd hoped.

I'm going through some stressful times right now - a new job, a move and being without my family for almost 3 months. I apologize to those who started following me and then I disappeared off the face of the Earth...

I'm posting today because I'm at the apartment, under a blanket, sick. Whether from stress, exhaustion or whatever, my body told me it was time to take a break.

So much stupidity has happened in the world since I last posted, it would take months to put it all here. That, combined with the fact that most of it is political, means that I won't bother trying to rehash it all -

Instead, we'll try to begin anew! A fresh start to the end of the year before we are overwhelmed with stupidity from Christmas and New Year celebrations and then move right into the idiocy that will, almost definitely, control the general populace during 2011. I'm figuring the 2012 Presidential Election hoo-hah will begin in earnest around February of 2011...

So, for my first post back, a riddle -

What happens when a Semi-truck driver forgets to look both ways when crossing the tracks...?

Answer: The trailer loses! Even the guy in the van knew what was going to happen. Notice the way he throws it into reverse to get away from the coming debris shower... The way the Trucker keeps going, it almost seems that he doesn't even know his trailer is half gone.

3 Guesses on how this guy's Drug/Alcohol screen came out afterward...

Download the video in .wmv HERE

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