Thursday, June 10, 2010

Not the Job to have with allergies

If you have Hay Fever and sneeze alot, this is not the job for you. I can't even really call it stupid, a whole lot of thought obviously went into employee placement and worker/workstation relationship.

HR definately has enough on the ball to make sure the exact right candidate is chosen for the job as well (height, weight, reach, lack of claustrophobia, etc.)

And employee engagement - Wow! Look at the smiles on these guys faces as they go about their work. Just happy to be productive members of society, I guess...

Download Link:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Gas Station Attendant Surprise

Here we have a typical 3rd shift gas station delivery. Deliver on 3rd shift because there are not as many customers around. In this case, it worked out well since, obviously, they also put the dumbest people on 3rd shift.

Watch this guy directing the truck in so well that the driver has to back out and try again. Then the attendant gets up top to check the fuel. The real idiocy begins about 1:18 in. Watch verrrry carfully for what this guy pulls out of his pocket and what the result is.

BTW: If you want to download this in .wmv format, here's the link. Enjoy!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Safety Car Oops

So - If your only job is to be the car that keeps everyone else from having an accident, you should probably pay attention to where you're going.

At very least use your rear-view mirrors

BP tries again to cap well as protests against oil giant set to start

Gotta start with Stupidity at it's finest - The multi-billion dollar BP Idiots.

Now to the picture...The best PPE to wear when surrounded by oil-soaked water and foliage? Prison coveralls and nitrile gloves? Life Vest, shorts and bare feet? Blue Jeans and a ball cap?
And is the guy in front wiping his nose, the sweat off his brow or did he get something in his eyes? Safety glasses anyone?
At least there aren't any visible cigarettes hanging out of anyone's face...

Getting Up and Running....with scissors

Howdy all! Coming at you with a site dedicated to unsafe acts caught on camera - video or still. Here you will find pictures, videos and links to some of the dumbest, uncommon sense mistakes this side of the universe.

I'll also, occasionally post some commentary on stupid moves by Corporations and Governments that I feel affect the safety and health of the popuation at large. I'll try not to get political, stupidity happens everywhere, on every ray of the political spectrum.

If you like what you see, or even if you don't, comment, cajole, berate, like, lol - whatever you want to do.

These will be files in the "public" domain as far as I know. If you have issues or claim ownership to any of the material, shoot me an e-mail and I'll remove it ASAP. Also, if you're willing to share any stupidity, send it and I'll post it with kudos to you.

Whether you use the stuff for training, examples of what not to do or just a good laugh at someone else's expense - enjoy it - and be glad it wasn't you.
